Keeping Your Kids Busy During the COVID Quarantine Period

The coronavirus has created a number of challenges for families and keeping your kids busy is difficult on the best of days.  Never mind the fact that schools and public spaces are closed too.

Since this is already a stressful time, you want to keep the peace as much as possible, which is why we’ve put together a few suggestions for how you can ensure your kids always have something to do.

Ideas for Keeping Your Kids Busy at Home During a Pandemic

Stick to a Structured Routine

Naturally, you can’t keep your normal routine but it’s still important for your kids to have some sort of structure during the day.  When you have a routine in place, it’s easier to know where you need to fill their days.  It will also make it easier for them to get back into their usual routine when the time comes.  This can include sticking to a specific bed and wake up times and limiting screen time.

Keeping Kids Busy at Home_COVID19_Coastal KippfordLet Them Keep In Touch

Your children need to connect with others just as much as you do so why not arrange a few virtual playdates.  You can even arrange for them to share a few virtual meals with their grandparents or cousins as a way to change things up.

Arrange a Dance Party

Whether you arrange for friends and family members to join in virtually or make it a family affair, dance parties are a great way to pass the time at home.  There are a number of streaming services available and several games that you can play too – musical chairs being one of them.  If you really want to take it one step further, get your kids to create a few decorations and posters for the event.

Set Up a Few Outdoor Activities

If you have a garden and a decent amount of space, there are so many activities that you can arrange.  From treasure hunts to hide and seek and obstacle courses, there is tons that you can do to keep your kids busy.  If you have any parks nearby, there’s always the option of taking your kids and the dogs for a walk.  Just make sure you’re sticking to all social distancing regulations.

Keeping Kids Busy at Home_COVID19_Coastal KippfordTeach Them to Cook

Chances are, you’ve already been doing a lot of cooking and baking, so why not get your kids to help out.  Showing your kids how to complete simple recipes will teach them something new and help you fill an hour or two of their day.  As you can imagine, the internet is full of kid-friendly recipes for you to try out.

Do a Little Spring Cleaning

If you’ve been meaning to clean out the cupboards in your kids’ rooms for ages, now is the perfect time.  A little spring cleaning might not be every child’s idea of fun but it’s easy to make it fun.  One way is to highlight the fact that they get to go through all of their old toys.  You could also take the approach of them doing something good for someone else by donating clothes and toys.

Over and above these suggestions, there is always homework and being creative to fill the time.  The key is to plan.  When you have a good idea of what you will be doing every day, the quarantine period will pass a lot faster.  Don’t forget to make time to relax yourself.

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